Amazon Assassins
Although we have a high success rate, we DO NOT GUARANTEE reinstatement. Various factors are involved in reinstatement and there will be instances where Amazon will refuse to cooperate. Our services and resources help clients increase their chances of reinstatement, but do not guarantee any outcome.
We require all of our clients to do their own due diligence regarding legitimate supply chain acquisition and other appeal related service activities after being given instructions. We do not sign any forms on behalf of clients.
Conversion rate of appeal cases.
Number of Cases Appealed
Average # of Weeks for Reinstatement
Your Appeal Options
Linked Accounts (Opening New Accounts After Being Suspended
Amazon prohibits owning multiple accounts. Their policy states you may only maintain one Seller Central account unless you have a legitimate business that needs to open a second account and all of your accounts are in good standing. Sellers that want more than one Amazon account often get suspended across all of their accounts. Amazon’s database is incredibly powerful and able to recognize your IP address, computer, geographical location, banks, names, and more. So sellers who work in different business entities with multiple accounts can be unreasonably suspended.
To be reinstated, sellers need to either demonstrate that accounts are unrelated or admit the violation and propose a plan of action to abide by Amazon policy in the future.
Multiple Accounts
Amazon prohibits owning multiple accounts. Their policy states you may only maintain one Seller Central account unless you have a legitimate business that needs to open a second account and all of your accounts are in good standing. Sellers that want more than one Amazon account often get suspended across all of their accounts. Amazon’s database is incredibly powerful and able to recognize your IP address, computer, geographical location, banks, names, and more. So sellers who work in different business entities with multiple accounts can be unreasonably suspended.
Appeal Assassins offers consultation services regarding how to safely and properly set up these accounts without setting off automated suspensions or violating Amazon’s policies. Additionally, consultation includes recommendations on how to manage and scale these accounts with proper social media exposure, advertising, and risk minimization.
Unique Cases
We cover a wide breadth of account suspension issues, and we are founded by some of the top sellers in the online marketplace. If you have unique problems not listed on our website pertaining to your e-commerce business, feel free to book an appointment with us. We offer consultations in wholesale, online arbitrage, private label, multimarket operations, and marketing tactics for various platforms. Here in Appeal Assassins, we want to help you succeed.
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